Experiment-7: To demonstrate web server and client communication using nodeMCU ESP8266 12-E as a Soft AP IoT Experiments by Ravinder Nath Rajotiya - November 4, 20240 AIM : To demonstrate nodeMCU ESP8266 as Soft AP web server Objective: At the end of this experiment students will be able to: Understand mode of connection of ESP8266 Understand the use of Soft AP Create web server and access it on client (Mobile) via the URL Control LED using mobile phone Requirement: Breadboard, connecting jumper wires NodeMCU ESP8266 12-E Two 5mm blue Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) Two 220 Ohm Resistor Theory: You all know that a web server hosts files, images, text, videos, blog posts, or other relevant data of a specific website i.e., Wikipedia, Google, Yahoo, etc. Any clients can connect to such a web server anytime and fetch relevant information. Communication between a client and a web server takes place using HTTP Request or HTTP
Experiment-6: To Measure humidity and temperature using Arduino IoT Experiments by Ravinder Nath Rajotiya - November 4, 20240 Aim : Measure humidity and temperature Objective: At the end of this experiment we will be able to: Understand the working of DHT module Interface DHT11 with arduino and develop a program using DHT-11 Requirement: PC with Arduino IDR, Arduino Uno board, DHT-11 module and 03 jumper wire. Theory DHT11 Sensor The DHT-11 is a digital-output relative humidity and temperature sensor. It uses a capacitive humidity sensor and a thermistor to measure the surrounding air. It is smaller and less expensive but this sensor is less precise, less accurate and works in a smaller range of temperature and humidity when compared with DHT22. DHT11 has a sampling rate of 1Hz, which means it can provide new data once every second. Comes with 4 pin or
Experiment-2 Introduction to sensors and Actuators IoT Experiments by Ravinder Nath Rajotiya - November 4, 20240 Sensors and Actuators Sensors Actuators Definition Sensors capture information (temperature, pressure, force,etc.) from the surrounding environment. They are input devices Actuators, on the other hand, create changes in the surrounding environment. They are output devices Types Sensors are termed digital or analog depending on the type of signal they generate (analog digital), correct? Are these sensors that can output both digital and analog signals? Actuators can operate on Analogue. However, some actuators, like LEDs, can be operate with both analog and digital input signal. LEDs can be operated via PWM or even using an analog signal to light them up at some intermediate brightness. Types of Sensors in Arduino Here are some commonly used sensors you'll come across when working with Arduino: Temperature sensor: Measures the temperature and humidity of the environment.
Introduction to arduino board IoT Experiments Uncategorized by Ravinder Nath Rajotiya - November 4, 2024November 4, 20240 Experiment-1 : Introduction to Arduino platform and programming Objective: At the end of this experiment We will be able to: Understand the Arduino board, its pin names and uses. Understand the Software IDE and the programming environment Understand the compilation and Uploading of the Program on hardware. Requirement : PC with internet, Arduino board, breadboard Theory: Arduino UNO is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328P (datasheet). It is one of the finest platform for learning and prototyping IoT, embedded projects, automation etc. The board has 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz ceramic resonator (CSTCE16M0V53-R0), a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header and a reset button. It contains everything
3.1 Evolution of low Power WPAN IoT by Ravinder Nath Rajotiya - October 11, 2024October 19, 20240 Evolution of LR-WPAN Standardization Wired communications is any type movement of data between or among devices using a wired connection. Wired connections include Ethernet, fiber-optic cable for phone and other uses, cable for television and Internet systems, public switched telephone network (PSTN), CAN and MOST systems in automotive. The stability and clarity of wired communications keeps the wire relevant in the age of wireless comms. Advances in broadband communication and networks started more than 100 years ago. Some of the most defining moments in the history of wired network technology, which influenced the advancements it’s making today, include: 1876: The invention of the telephone started a revolution towards wired communications. 1964: With the introduction of optical fiber, the potential of wired networks skyrocketed. 1970: Ethernet