Analog to Digital Conversion (ADC) interfacing Uncategorized by Ravinder Nath Rajotiya - May 2, 20220 ADC ADC is used to convert an analog input voltage to its digital equivalent. ADC chip family is ADC080X from National Semiconductors. Some of the ICs are: ADC-0800, ADC-0804: singly analog input channel and 8-bit out bits ADC-0808 and ADC-0809: These are eight analog input inputs with 3-select lines used to select one of eight channel. It also has 8-bit digital output. ADC-0816 : It is an 16-input channel and gives 8-bit digital output signal. Why Analog to Digital Signals in the real world are analog: light, sound, temperature, pressure, acceleration or other phenomenon. So, real-world signals must be converted into digital, using a circuit called ADC (Analog-to-Digital Converter), before they can be manipulated by digital equipment. When you scan a picture with a scanner what
8086 memory Interfacing Technique Uncategorized by Ravinder Nath Rajotiya - March 30, 2022March 30, 20220 Interfacing memory with 8086 microprocessor To interface the memory with 8086, we need the system bus and the control signals for memory read and write operations. The system bus was generated by demultiplexing the A19/S6 ---A16/S3 and AD15—AD0 lines using the latches such as 74373 thus giving us the address lines A19-A0 and data bus as D15-D0. The IO and memory read and writes signals are generated from M/IO’, RD’ and Wr’ as shown in the table below. But for memory interfacing we will be using MEMR' and MEMW' signals for memory read and memory write: M/IO’ RD’ WR’ Operation 0 0 0 Invalid operation 0 0 1 IO read 0 1 0 io write operation 0 1 1 Invalid operation for read or write 1 0 0 Invalid operation 1 0 1 MEMR memory read 1 1 0 MEMW memory write operation 1 1 1 Invalid operation for read or write Figure below shows the hardware circuit used
Best Electrical Engineering Course You Must Do Uncategorized by Ravinder Nath Rajotiya - December 31, 20210 Electrical engineering is one of the most well-known branches of engineering and the most popular choice among students. This engineering field will assist you in becoming an expert in electronics and any electrically powered equipment. Electrical engineering is a difficult career path to take. Still, if you enjoy tinkering with machines or breathing new life into them, electrical engineering is the path to take. The first department of electrical engineering in India was established in 1911 under the chairmanship of Prof. Alfred Hay. The Indian Institute of Science established the Department of Electrical Engineering (IISc). Later, in 1946, it was established as a separate department and was dubbed the Electrical Communications Engineering Department. This course lasts 4 years for graduation, 2
Best Engineering Colleges In India 2022 Uncategorized by Ravinder Nath Rajotiya - December 24, 20210 Engineering is a branch of science that encompasses the creation, fabrication, invention, design, and optimization of computers, machines, tools, bridges, robots, and automobiles, among other things. Engineering offers numerous specialties. The following is a list of the greatest engineering institutions in India that offer the highest quality education in a variety of engineering disciplines. India has the world's third-largest education system. International students travel to India to pursue higher education. The Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs), National Institutes of Technology (NITs), Indian Institutes of Information and Technology (IIITs), as well as government and private colleges, comprise the Top 20 Engineering colleges in India for the year 2021. Colleges are graded based on extensive study and surveying. The Ministry of Human Resource Development compiled